What Is This Charity?
Since 1881, Watkinson School has provided a high-quality education to students from grades 6-PG across Connecticut. In a zeitgeist of cookie-cutter education, placing priority on tests and “checking the boxes”, Watkinson trusts both its teachers and its students to think critically.
Why OREE Values This Charity
OREE and the Coons family believe in the transformative power of education to create a curiosity that lasts a lifetime. This curiosity is the soil that ambition and innovation take root in: the hallmark of a leader, regardless of industry.
The Coons family trusts Watkinson School’s ability to plant and fertilize this generative curiosity: Their daughter, Kelly, is a Watkinson School graduate and has gone to Smith College, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and the workforce.
The Impact of This Charity
A Watkinson Affair is the biggest Watkinson fundraising event of the year: an elegant gala to raise money for Watkinson’s Fund for Everyday Excellence, the annual fund, which helps all students. A Watkinson Affair 2023 took place at the Hartford Downtown Marriott, themed around “magical possibilities.” It had a live auction as well as a silent auction, with prizes like a trip to Hawaii, a beautiful dinner, a curated video tribute, and spirited dancing.
The Watkinson Golf Classic is a competition that benefits Watkinson’s City Scholar Program: a one-year opportunity for college-bound Hartford Public Schools students who are not yet college-ready, combining classes at Watkinson, the University of Saint Joseph, and the University of Hartford with a supportive environment to help students gain confidence, experience, and college credits. Since the City Scholar Program’s beginning in 2017, there have been ten successful City Scholars: one to two per year.