500 Four Rod Rd., Suite 101A

500 Four Rod Rd., Suite 101A, Berlin, CT

Lease Available

Property Address 500 Four Rod Rd., Suite 101A
Berlin, CT 06037
Description 4my.Company, a business service company, occupies Suite 101A, which is a 2,900 sqft office space. Their unit is a collaborative workspace inviting a select few other business service entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small businesses to join their space to have a business network to work from, refer leads through, consult and exchange ideas through. The space includes cubicle spaces and private offices, up to 600sqft. Common areas include conference table, kitchenette, and bathroom. Utilities included. Shared network connection available, though setting up private sub network is suggested.
Type Office Space, Sub-Lease
Square Footage Available 600 sqft or less
Date Available 10/1/2020
Price Starting at $150/mo
Additional Details Utilities included: Electricity, Heat, A/C, and internet
Internal Property Link https://www.oreeproperties.com/property/500-four-rod-rd-berlin-ct/
External Listing Link Not listed externally
Contact Brian Krisak – Owner of 4my.Company
(860) 856-8686

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