500 Four Rod

BeSpoke IT Solutions Joins Suite 101A 500 Four Rod Rd, Berlin, CT

Originally based in Portland, CT, BeSpoke IT Solutions has joined our Suite 101A office space in 500 Four Road Berlin, CT as part of 4my.company's collaborative work space for business service companies. BeSpoke offers services in networking administration, server administration, and Workstation maintenance and repair. https://www.facebook.com/bespokeitsolutionsct

500 Four Rod Rd New Tenant: Tradebe Environmental Dispatch Center

Tradebe Environmental, which specializes in chemical and hazardous waste removal, has leased one of our largest suites in 500 Four Rod, for their Berlin dispatch center, an extension of their Meriden location. A fleet of trucks and equipment have made Four Rod their home. Waste materials are not stored on premises. Website: tradebeusa.com Job Postings: Glassdoor.com